Espoo Museum of Modern Art
How to get from Tapiola metro station to EMMA

Are you planning a visit to EMMA? You can easily reach us by metro! The instructions below will guide you step-by-step from the metro platform to the museum.
To make your visit to EMMA as successful and accessible as possible, we have produced detailed instructions on how to get from Tapiola metro station to the museum. There are two videos (duration approx. 2 min), depending on whether you want to take the escalator or the lift from the metro station. Both videos are also accompanied by verbal instructions.
The 800-meter walk from Tapiola station to EMMA takes only about 10 minutes. If you want to take the bus instead, follow instructions 1 and 2, then continue through the glass doors to the bus platform. Buses number 111, 113, 548 and 549 will all take you to EMMA (the stop is named WeeGee).
These guidelines will help you reach us quickly and easily so you can focus on what matters most – enjoying art and design!
By escalators

1) When you arrive at the Tapiola metro station, find Kim Simonsson’s large sculpture EMMA Leaves a Trace and take the escalator at that end of the platform.
2) Continue straight ahead to the next escalator, then to the third escalator on your right.
3) When you’ve taken all three escalators, follow the sign on the ground in front of you and turn left.
4) Take two more escalators and exit through the doors in front of you to Sammonsilta bridge.
5) Turn right and walk along the green bridge to Länsituulentie road.
6) At the end of the bridge, you will see a black signpost right in front of you, directing you towards the Exhibition Centre WeeGee. Signposts along the way will guide you all the way to the museum.
By elevator

1) When you arrive at Tapiola metro station, find Kim Simonsson’s large sculpture EMMA Leaves a Trace on the platform. Walk towards the sculpture – you’ll find the lifts at the end of the platform, behind the escalators.
2) Take the lift to floor U.
3) When you exit the lift, you come to a landing. Go left and look for a sign on the floor. Follow the signs and you’ll find the lifts on your left.
4) Take the lift to floor no. 2 and exit onto the Sammonsilta bridge through the doors on your right.
5) Turn right and walk along the green bridge to Länsituulentie road.
6) At the end of the bridge, you will see a black signpost directly in front of you, directing you towards the Exhibition Centre WeeGee. Signposts along the way will guide you all the way to the museum.