Espoo Museum of Modern Art
Open call for for Fill This Space summer schools for 16–20-year-olds is open!

Are you interested in art, culture, architecture and design? Do you pay attention to current phenomena in the urban space or do you actively work with them? Apply to Fill This Space summer schools by April 30!
Are you interested in art, culture, architecture and design? Do you pay attention to current phenomena in the urban space or do you actively work with them? Are you thinking about what you would like to study or how you could otherwise influence your own environment? Fill This Space is the right place for you!
In 2023, the summer schools will be guided by museum pedagogues from the Museum of Finnish Architecture and members of the You Tell Me collective. You Tell Me is a collective of architecture students and young architects whose goal is to promote a paradigm change in the field of construction. Summer schools are organized at Vantaa Art Museum Artsi, Espoo Museum of Modern Art EMMA and the Museum of Finnish Architecture. During the summer schools, excursions are also made to other destinations in the Helsinki metropolitan area.
In 2023, the Museum of Finnish Architecture will organize a total of four summer schools: three in Finnish and one in English.
Summer school 1 at Artsi: 5–9 June 2023 (in Finnish)
Summer school 2 at Artsi: 12–16 2023 (in English)
Summer school 3 at EMMA: 31 July – 4 August 2023 (in Finnish)
Summer School 4 at EMMA: 31 July – 4 August 2023 (in Finnish)
Read more and apply via the website of the Museum of Finnish Architecture.