Espoo Museum of Modern Art
EMMA Shop is a treasure trove of contemporary design and unique gifts for people of all ages. Our high-quality items are inspired by current exhibitions in the museums of the exhibition centre. The selection includes souvenirs from EMMA, the Futuro house and the Espoo City Museum. Visit us for a fun, relaxing shopping experience!
See the opening hours below. Our web store is open 24/7.
Unique glass and ceramic art from EMMA Shop!
At EMMA Shop you’ll find a limited edition of unique ceramic and glass art by Jasmin Anoschkin, Arni Aromaa, Petra Innanen, Laura Itkonen, Alma Jantunen, Marika Kinnunen, Jatta Lavi, Viivi Lehto, Maisa Majakka, Laura Meriluoto, Laura Pehkonen, Heini Riitahuhta and Jenni Sorsa.

Opening hours:
Tuesday 12–17
Wednesday 12–19
Thursday 12–19
Friday 12–19
Saturday 11–17
Sunday 11–17
Monday closed
Contact us:
tel. +358 43 8254972