Espoo Museum of Modern Art


Panel discussion | #StopHatredNow

  • 15.05.2024
  • 16:00 - 18:30
  • Aitio venue, 2nd floor
  • Free entry

The event addresses the themes of representation and prejudice, as well as the politics of being seeing / being visible. The afternoon starts with a guided tour to Tschabalala Self: Around the Way at 16.00–16.45 (in English), after which we will hear a panel discussion on the topics at 17.00–18.30 (in Finnish). The panel discussion will also be streamed via Facebook Live.

Panelists: Päiviö Maurice Omwami & Wanda Holopainen
Moderator: Monica Gathuo

There is free entry to the event. If you will participate live at the museum, please register via this form!

#StopHatredNow is an intercultural and anti-racist week-long platform organised once a year in collaboration with several art and intercultural organisations. The platform strives to create discourse and offers tools to create a more inclusive, diverse and feminist art field; inclusivity, diversity, non-discrimination, accessibility and social as well as ecological sustainability are issues that determine the future of every art and cultural institution.

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