Espoo Museum of Modern Art

Claystation by Priska Falin & Helen Felcey


Take part in the artwork and try what it feels like to make a small clay pebble!

Sit on a chair in the Being with-installation by Priska Falin & Helen Felcey. Roll the clay between your palms into a round shape. You can try it with your eyes closed also. Relax and concentrate on how the clay feels in your hands. Let the video take you into different environments After you have finished forming the pebble, place it on the board on the floor. When your pebble has dried, it will be placed on the Being with-installation.

Being with-installation is a part of the exhibition Ceramics Facing the New.

For all ages. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Claystation is open in the Fall on the following Saturdays:

Sat 11.9.
Sat 25.9.
Sat 2.10.
Sat 16.10.
Sat 6.11. (All Saints’ Day)
Sat 20.11.
Sat 4.12.


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