Espoo Museum of Modern Art

03.05.2021 - 07.08.2022
Ceramics Facing the New
The idea underlying the Ceramics Facing the New exhibition is kintsugi, the Japanese tradition of mending broken pottery with a mixture containing gold. Instead of concealing the damage, kintsugi seeks to establish a new relationship with it. In this exhibition, kintsugi serves as a metaphor for society. A fracture can be a signal of something new. How can fragments be re-joined to create a renewed yet enduring structure?
Created by twelve artists and two artist groups, the works featured in the exhibition use ceramic art to explore the juncture of past and future, one that is characterised by environmental concern and the disintegration of social structures. Ceramic as a material occupies a special place in the history of humanity. It also provides what we need at this moment in time: connection, presence, craft.
The exhibition is produced in collaboration with Ornamo Art and Design Finland. The featured artists were selected in an open portfolio call to the members of Ornamo.
The extensive mobile guide to the exhibition features background information and interview videos.
The artists taking part in the exhibition are Priska Falin & Helen Felcey, Matias Karsikas, Veera Kulju, Nathalie Lautenbacher, Piia Lieste, Tiia Matikainen, Meri Oivo, Matteo Pennacchio, Maria Punkkinen, Outi Savolainen, Caroline Slotte, Katie Spragg, Irma Weckman and the group Working with Soil (Özgü Gündeşlioğlu, Catharina Kajander, Riikka Latva-Somppi and Maarit Mäkelä).
Laura Kokkonen
Project Management:
Laura Kokkonen & Henna Paunu
In Cooperation:
Ornamo Art and Design Finland
Tapio Wirkkala Rut Bryk Foundation