Espoo Museum of Modern Art
Research Forum

How can algorithms assist in object design? How can virtual reality be used to help people recovering from a stroke? Can textiles be interactive? Find answers to these and other questions at the event that showcases four projects by Aalto University research groups and one by a group of students. Visitors will also have a chance to try some of the experimental setups themselves. The researchers will be in attendance to talk about their work and results. Research Forum extends the themes of the In Search of the Present exhibition at EMMA to include inventions made to facilitate the dialogue between humanity, art and nature.
The event will also include short interviews with researchers on both days. The interviewer is Milja Liimatainen, project manager of the In Search of the Present exhibition.
Friday 23.9.
5.30 PM Venla Elonsalo, Aino Ojala ja Ulla Vahteri / Tekstiiliä eri teknologioin
(In Finnish)
6 PM Severi Uusitalo / Muotoilua vuorovaikutuksessa algoritmin kanssa
(In Finnish)
Saturday 24.9.
1 PM Teija Vainio / Sciberpunk
(In Finnish)
1.30 PM Yu Xiao / Vireamed
(In English)
2 PM Pia Fricker / Sandbox
(In English)
Research Market is organised in collaboration with the Aalto University departments of design and architecture as well as communications and networking.