Espoo Museum of Modern Art
Guided tour for children and young people learning Finnish

Learn about art in easy Finnish here at EMMA!
On this tour, we will explore art in many ways. We will look at artworks and describe them. We will also practise expressing our opinions through discussion and by using picture cards. Before the visit, you can download an information package with images and keywords. You can study the key Finnish words that the guide will use on the tour, and write down the most challenging of them in your own language. The material will be used during the tour. The guide speaks Easy Finnish.
After the tour, you will work in pairs to discuss one of the artworks that you found interesting. This gives you an opportunity to practise what you have learned on the tour. You can also try talking about another artwork in the same way.
This tour is suitable for all preparatory classes and groups studying Finnish.
Classes in Espoo schools can book the tour as a free KULPS tour. If you are a teacher from Espoo, book the tour as a KULPS service here. From the drop down menu, select the option "KULPS suomea opiskeleville" (Kulps tour for school students studying Finnish).