Espoo Museum of Modern Art
EMMA Talks: Expert meeting at the Experiments in Concretism exhibition

Where did the original idea for the exhibition come from? How were the artworks selected? The curators of the exhibition, Pilvi Kalhama and Henna Paunu, talk about the background and planning of the exhibition. There will also be time for questions from the public. The language of the event is Finnish.
Experiments in Concretism presents a fresh look at the tradition and contemporary forms of concretism, highlighting in particular the many ways in which modernism is reinterpreted and commented on in contemporary art. The show also marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of artist Lars-Gunnar ‘Nubben’ Nordström (1924–2014).
Included in the museum entrance fee (20/10€, free entry for under 18-year-olds).
We accept the Museum Card.