Espoo Museum of Modern Art

06.03.2024 - 02.03.2025
Experiments in Concretism
EMMA’s collection exhibition offers a fresh take on the long tradition and contemporary forms of concrete art. Featuring work by more than fifty artists, the show highlights the complexity, material diversity and playful approach of the movement.
Concretism is an art movement characterised by the use of non-representational forms, structures and geometry. The exhibition at EMMA presents concretist works from different periods, from the very beginning of the movement in the 1950s to the present day. Works from the museum’s own collections are complemented by artworks acquired or commissioned specifically for this show. Many of the works are spatial and seek to activate the viewer’s faculties of perception. In the context of EMMA, concretism finds significant resonance with the industrial and geometric architecture of the WeeGee building designed by Aarno Ruusuvuori.
Experiments in Concretism also celebrates the centenary of the birth of Lars-Gunnar “Nubben” Nordström (1924–2014), a pioneer of Finnish concretism, by showcasing the legacy of his work. The selection of works by Nordström and his contemporaries serves as a time capsule for the roots of concrete art.
The works by Elina Autio were commissioned by the L-G Nordström Foundation for this exhibition and were generously donated to the EMMA Collection.
Artists featured in the exhibition
Timo Aalto, Martti Aiha, Siim-Tanel Annus, Elina Autio, Stig Baumgartner, Inka Bell, Juhana Blomstedt, Bård Breivik, Birger Carlstedt, Kari Cavén, Lars Christensen, Jacob Dahlgren, Sonia Delaunay, Ann Edholm, Carolus Enckell, Beryl Furman, Kristján Guðmundsson, Jorma Hautala, Erkki Hervo, Mikko Jalavisto, Elina Juopperi, Kaisu Koivisto, Ola Kolehmainen, Matti Koskela, Matti Kujasalo, Muriel Kuoppala, Antti Kytömäki, Leonhard Lapin, Maija Lavonen, Ernst Mether-Borgström, Eila Minkkinen, Sarah Morris, Kasper Muttonen, Pekka Nevalainen, Jussi Niva, Lars-Gunnar Nordström, Maija Närhinen, Paul Osipow, Kyösti Pärkinen, Ritva Puotila, Mari Rantanen, Silja Rantanen, Louis Reith, Ragna Róbertsdóttir, Pekka Ryynänen, Piila Saksela, Pekka Sassi, Hannu Siren, Sandra Sirp, Airi Snellman-Hänninen, Antti Ukkonen, Raimo Utriainen and Irma Weckman.
Mobile guide
Read background information on selected artists and their works on the exhibition’s mobile guide!
Nubben 100
2024 marks the centenary of the birth of Lars Gunnar “Nubben” Nordström. The exhibition at EMMA is part of a larger ensemble in honour of the anniversary. The programme of the Nubben 100 year is organised by the Lars-Gunnar Nordström Foundation, Kunsthalle Helsinki, Hanaholmen – Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre, Ateneum Art Museum, EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art, Gallery Elverket / Pro Artibus Foundation, Amos Rex, and Tuusula Art Museum.
Read more about the Nubben 100 events at!
Exhibition on the media
Kari Nevalainen, INNER, 21.7.2024
Experiments in Concretism
Paul Joseph, Travelmag, 14.6.2024
10 Exhibitions to Visit in Helsinki & Finland this summer
Lars-Gunnar Nordström, Dimensional Continuity, 1960–1969. L-G Nordström Foundation Collection © Ari Karttunen / EMMA -
Inka Bell, Shift 11, 2023. EMMA Collection © Ari Karttunen / EMMA -
Maija Närhinen, Packed in, 2023. EMMA Collection © Ari Karttunen / EMMA -
Silja Rantanen, Information on the Floor, 2003. EMMA Collection © Ari Karttunen / EMMA
Exhibition team
Curators: Pilvi Kalhama, Henna Paunu
Project management: Jenni Enbom, Henna Paunu
Graphic design: Milla Rissanen
Exhibition architecture, technical design and construction: Jenni Enbom, Kalle Jarva, Simo Karvinen, Lasse Lindfors, Olli Lukkari, Lasse Naukkarinen, Jari Rönkkö, Tarmo Venäläinen
Lighting: Lasse Lindfors
Conservation: Simo Karvinen, Taina Leppilahti, Saana Lopes, Marianne Miettinen, Saara Peisa, Viivi Vierinen
Framing: Seppo Laakkonen
Registration: Maria Savela
Exhibition texts: Pilvi Kalhama, Tuomas Laulainen, Tiina Penttilä, Henna Paunu
Mobile guide: Tero Hytönen, Ilari Strandberg
Guided tour design: Riikka Alanko, Sanna Rintalaulaja
Design and construction of participatory space: Maria Innola
Customer service design: Maija Eränen, Pekka Muinonen
Audience engagement and events programme: Tero Hytönen, Reetta Kalajo
Marketing and communications: Iris Suomi, Helmi Tolonen
Photography and documentation: Ari Karttunen, Paula Virta
Production, videography and postproduction: Ville Räty – Sovia Media Oy, EMMA
Service sales and visitor surveys: Essi Huhtanen
EMMA Shop: Salla Engström
EMMA customer service and guides
Translations: Mats Forsskåhl (Swedish), Tomi Snellman (English)
The exhibition is produced by EMMA.
With thanks to:
L-G Norström Foundation
Saastamoinen Foundation
Sovia Media oy