Espoo Museum of Modern Art


Multicultural Family Day | Teatteri Ilmi Ö presents: Metsässä soi – Sounds in the Forest!

© Matti Snellman
© Matti Snellman
  • 23.11.2024
  • 14:30 - 15:00
  • EMMA

Metsässä soi! is a multilingual participatory performance that immerses the audience in the City Rabbit’s whimsical forest, filled with music, languages, play and surprising wing beats. The performance features Middle Eastern languages, all kinds of songs, rhythms, and movement, inviting the audience to join in. Knowledge of Finnish language is not needed to enjoy the performance.

The event  is part of the multicultural family day at EMMA! Join us for a fun day of art!

Included in the museum entrance fee (20/10€, free entry for under 18-year-olds).

We accept the Museum Card.

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