Espoo Museum of Modern Art

11.04.2018 - 06.01.2019
No Ordinary Moments
No Ordinary Moments is an exhibition featuring a curated pick of Finnish and international works from EMMA’s collection. The exhibition reflects on the different layers of the visible and imaginary worlds and the surrounding reality that we share in complex ways.
No Ordinary Moments is an exhibition featuring a curated pick of Finnish and international works from EMMA’s collection. The exhibition reflects on the different layers of the visible and imaginary worlds and the surrounding reality that we share in complex ways. The uncanny fantasy worlds portrayed in the exhibition step outside everyday reality, inviting us on a journey into the fascinating world of the subconscious mind.
No Ordinary Moments highlights many recent additions to EMMA’s collections alongside older acquisitions and donations. The exhibition was curated by Museum Director Pilvi Kalhama and Chief Curator Henna Paunu.
“No Ordinary Moments offers visitors a unique opportunity to view works from EMMA’s collections that are not permanently on display at the museum,” state the curators.
The EMMA Collection is one of EMMA’s three collections along with the Saastamoinen Foundation Art Collection and the Tapio Wirkkala Rut Bryk Foundation Collection. Works from the EMMA collection are on permanent display outside the museum at various public venues in the City of Espoo.
The featured artists are: Malin Ahlsved, Jasmin Anoschkin, Lauri Astala, Ernst Billgren, Saara Ekström, Anna Estarriola, Oscar Furbacken, Beryl Furman, Denise Grünstein, Alvar Gullichsen, Teuri Haarla, Kaisaleena Halinen, Jeppe Hein, Timo Heino, Andreas Johansson, Aarne Jämsä, Klara Kristalova, Esa Laurema, Juhana Moisander & Simo Ripatti, Nabb + Teeri, Okku Nuutilainen, Roxy Paine, Antti-Ville Reinikainen, Maria Rubinke, Antti Ruuhela, Tülay Schakir and Miikka Vaskola.