Espoo Museum of Modern Art

Donate a raanu to be incorporated into Elina Juopperi’s work Heritage!

Heritage is a work in progress that was launched in 2010. Consisting of traditional Finnish textiles called raanu, the work when completed will form a 182-centimetre-tall cube. In preserving the textiles for future generations, the work will also serve as an archive. When the work is not on display, researchers can examine the individual raanus and their deeds of donation.

We are currently looking for donors for the piece. If you have a raanu that you do not need, you can support contemporary art by donating it to be incorporated into the sculpture. The donor’s name will be added to a plaque that will always be displayed next to the work.

We also accept worn raanus, as long as they are not mouldy. If you know the history of the piece you donate (pattern, weaver, material, region, provenance), please let us know when you make the donation.

Do you want to donate a raanu?

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