Espoo Museum of Modern Art
Curator’s Film Night | Video works from the Saastamoinen Foundation Collection

The screening presents a selection of videos chosen by Jani Ruscica from the Saastamoinen Foundation Collection. The event is part of the 2024 media art programme at EMMA. The screening consists of the following works:
Rashaad Newsome: Untitled (New Way), duration 6:26
Loretta Fahrenholz: Mashes of the Afternoon, duration 13:36
Klara Lidén: The Myth of Progress (Moonwalk), duration 3:39
The event begins with a screening of Maya Deren’s video Meshes of the Afternoon (duration 14:12), which served as the starting point for Loretta Fahrenholz’s work. After a talk by Ruscica, the featured videos will be screened in order. Vegan refreshments will be on offer. Free admission.
All three videos will be on show at EMMA during 2024. You’ll find the screening schedule on our website.